About Me👩🏻💻
I'm a fourth-year Informatics major at the University of Washington, with a degree option in Human-Computer Interaction and a minor in Entrepreneurship. I aspire to design and develop ethical technology with a high social impact. 💖
I recently wrapped up a SWE internship at Atlassian, where I worked on the Confluence Cloud, Developer Experience team. Previously, I've worked as a part-time developer at Sporcle, TAed for Girls Who Code, and was a high school developer apprentice at Expedia for two summers.
Here's some fun facts about me!
- My last name is pronounced HWIN
- I've lived in New York, California, and Washington
- I love reading, gaming, cross-stitching, and puzzles
- I have a Bichon/Poodle mix rescue dog named Rocky
- I moderate a meme group of 800k+ members